Friday Morning Kettlebell Sport Training! w (video's)
No makeup, no fancy hairdo, just chalk, sweat and blood from torn hands, happy Friday !
9 weeks out so this has got to come together and get back to hitting some target #'s in training.
Dear Hannah, Is This Real Life?
What you cannot read in that text is how long it took me to actually send the text to Hannah. The debate in my head waged on for quite a long time while I laid there near death. I just wasn't comfortable putting my crazy out there on the line to my girl, H.
Max Lower, 10 weeks out RPS, 12 weeks Nationals.
Training hard to find that extra 30 lbs required to reach that 1,000 total. If I have to pull it out of my ass I will.
Wednesday SSB
Worked up to 2 sets of 5 on the safety squat bar, and realized I hate them. (No I'm not Clint Darden but that's a sweet picture.)
Kettlebells, more Kettlebells with a side order of Kettlebells !
Sport training taking it's turn in between powerlifting training, they go hand and hand, like peas and corn!
Back in the saddle again post-competition with 7 more weeks to go in my current training block