Death by Deadlifts (w/VIDEO)
Death by Deadlifts (w/VIDEO)
RPS Lexen Spring Fling Meet Prep; Wk 4, Day 1 - 4.4.15
When you just aren't feeling it, crank up the tunes and say "f" it I'm doing it, no excuses !
RIP Sumo Deadlifts
RIP Sumo Deadlifts
It seems to me like sumo deadlifts are just a pipe dream for me at this point.
Secondary Back
Secondary Back
Pumping the back via a giant set with several EliteFTS accessories.
Off Season Training - Week 1 Day 1 - Benchpress
Off Season Training - Week 1 Day 1 - Benchpress
My arms were falling off at the end....
Deadlifts. Video!
Deadlifts. Video!
Sumo pull technique, hurt my soul.
Heavy Db /video!
Heavy Db /video!
So happy with this training day , left the gym on a cloud!
Squat training. Video.
Squat training. Video.
A BIG step in the right direction.
Quick Picks for the Week 3/29/15
Quick Picks for the Week 3/29/15
Science, size, and strength...all in one place!
Week 8 / Day 1 - Squat Training w/ video
Week 8 / Day 1 - Squat Training w/ video
Week 8 / Day 1 - Squats with video
Not a $100 bill, but still a buck!
Concentric Block,Wk 3: ME upper
I might have gotten LIT up..
I might have gotten LIT up..
Concentric Block,Wk 2: DE lower (Tuesday)
Concentric Block Week 3: DE upper (last sunday)
Concentric Block Week 3: DE upper (last sunday)
Concentric Block Week 3: DE upper (last sunday)
Sunday deads
Sunday deads
Week 1 of Goggin's deadlift program
Back to where it all Began... [Video of Training]
Back to where it all Began... [Video of Training]
Got to go back to my Alma Mater, Texas A&M, for an Aggie Powerlifting Wedding! Celebrated my best friend's special day, and then got to train with the new generation of Aggie Powerlifters.

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