Sunday volume deadlifts
Sunday volume deadlifts
25 total reps over 500, working on positioning, hook grip, staying tight, etc.
Week 1 Training: Days 3 & 4 [Video Log]
Week 1 Training: Days 3 & 4 [Video Log]
First week back! Spring Break adventures, and gym shenanigans.
I Can't Train Strongman Events, But I Can SSB Squat
I Can't Train Strongman Events, But I Can SSB Squat
I can't train events, but I can squat. Nobody has ever gotten any weaker from squatting.
Science doesn't explain it, another PR? And, something even cooler...
Science doesn't explain it, another PR? And, something even cooler...
Jennifer Petrosino is a raw powerlifter who has recently held the all-time American record squat in the 105-pound weight class. She has worked as a Division I strength coach and is currently pursuing her graduate degree in Kinesiology at Ohio State, teaching undergraduates about exercise and nutrition, and studying the molecular mechanisms behind fat and muscle communication.
Strongman Saturday
Strongman Saturday
Solid training day on my last event day before the April Fool's competition at Brute Strength Gym and strong performances by some training partners and friends
Good day for some loggin'
Extra Work & Conditioning
Extra Work & Conditioning
I hate skipping conditioning so I did some prowling
Strongman Training Layout
Strongman Training Layout
I think it's important to have a base but what ever happened to just working hard and busting your ass? If you know what you're weak at and what you hate, you have to do just that to get stronger.
Speed Squats - Bands and Chains
Speed Squats - Bands and Chains
Now that I have my training broken down to what I need to focus on, I will be able to split my time to more specialized movements at Idolmaker and strongman training/events at The Battleaxe.
Got Muscle?
Got Muscle?
"The primary goal of the Center for Muscle Health and Neuromuscular Disorders at Ohio State University (OSU) and Nationwide Children's Hospital (NCH) is to provide an enriching environment that maximizes the quality of research, finds cures to muscle and neuromuscular diseases, and promotes the next generation of scientists and clinicians to carry on our work."
Update: Not Where I Planned to be 13 Weeks Out from Nationals
Update: Not Where I Planned to be 13 Weeks Out from Nationals
If you've been following my log you've probably wondered why I haven't posted any updates since the last competition.
Raw Deadlift (for reals)
Raw Deadlift (for reals)
But the fact is that my pull sucks, and it's never going to get better if I don't work at it.
More Speed Work, and 100 Kroc Rows...aka Death (w/VIDEO)
More Speed Work, and 100 Kroc Rows...aka Death (w/VIDEO)
RPS Lexen Spring Fling Meet Prep; Wk 2, Day 4 - 3.26.15
Week 10 / Day 2 - Bench Training (Heavy Day)
Week 10 / Day 2 - Bench Training (Heavy Day)
Jo Jordan is a professional powerlifter with records in the 242 and 275-pound weight classes. He has squatted over 1000 pounds in competition more than once, and recently recovered from left shoulder surgery. He trains at Orlando Barbell in Florida.
Last Deadlift Session Before Nationals!
Last Deadlift Session Before Nationals!
A few things I'm really happy with right now, and my last deadlift session
Tuesday March 10, 2015
Tuesday March 10, 2015
The rack pulls with band are great!
Wednesday cambered bar squats
Wednesday cambered bar squats
I worked up to 5 singles with a minute rest.

Items 12761 to 12780 of 13402 total