Today Ken and I had the privilege of sharing our bench press knowledge with a group of Athletes interested in learning more about powerlifting, the 2nd clinic from the series of 3.
I'm till trying to decide whether to clean and Jerk or Snatch. I better decide soon, 4 weeks from today I take the platform at the Agatsu Kettlebell competition.
Chest Workout
Loving reverse banded bench press lately. Allows me to train more safely since tearing my pec in 2010.
Speed Bench vs Chains, Boards, and Incline Shoulder Saver (w/VIDEO)
RPS Lexen Spring Fling Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 4 - 3.19.15
Primary Leg Workout
I missed a leg workout snow skiing...although that was a workout in and of itself. Here is the leg training session that followed.
Bench Training - Heavy Day w/ Video and guest appearance by Deivy Rosa
Bench Training with video and special appearance by Deivy Rosa.
Video: Close Grip Incline Press, Another Lat Training Variation, and Nut...
There is more work to be done.
Squats against chains
I worked up to a top set of 505+60# in chains for two sets of five. And I was back in flat soled shoes and all is right with the world again.
Awesome! Plate Hub Pinch & DL
And so this too has now become kinda cool and not something my pretend training partners are high fiving each other over anymore. And TBH, maybe I could have done it two years ago, so it’s really just another day at the office.
Max Effort and the Scientific Meathead Shirt for a Great Cause
Max Effort and the Scientific Meathead Shirt for a Great Cause
Strict axel presses and upper body accessories
Not fully recovered from Monday's training, so went conservative today. Nothing wrong with taking it easy, you avoid injuries that way.