No Such Thing as Failure...
There's no such thing as Failures. Just Successes, and opportunities for Growth.
Video: Front-Loaded SS Yoke Bar Squats to Work on Upper Back Strength/Te...
Finding ways to break bad upper back habits.
Post Meet Arm Day at the Elitefts S4 Compound
Because you've got to do SOMETHING when at the compound - 3.8.15
Video: Rough Bench Day, But Good Things to Work On
You don't learn nearly as much from a training session going perfectly..
Video: Squat & Deadlift @ EliteFTS, Hip Strength Improving
Squatting and then playing with some of the new leg equipments at the S4 Compound.
Primary Leg Workout
I hiked 4 miles to an elevation of 2,078 feet...after a Mountain Dog leg workout. What was I thinking?!?!
Terrible Assistance Exercise Ideas and the Induction of Wreckage not due...
Isometric Week3: ME Lower (Sunday) and Arnold Weekend
I feel like I have too many goals, so I will really need to evaluate the things most important to me.