Caution: Steer Clear...
Caution: Steer Clear...
ME UPPER_Week3_IsoBlock
Lower Accessory / Rehab Work
Lower Accessory / Rehab Work
more accessory and rehab work
Deload week
Deload week
Can I still call it a deload if I don't go in the gym?
Wednesday squats
Wednesday squats
I went back to a straight bar but stuck with the OLY shoes and a close stance.
Make up work for what I missed yesterday and people who get no sympathy from me
Primary Chest + Some Triceps, Delts & Back
Primary Chest + Some Triceps, Delts & Back
Massive chest pump from this workout thanks in part to stretch push-ups with chains.
Gear-deficient Box Squat Reps & Block Pulls
Gear-deficient Box Squat Reps & Block Pulls
Practicing falling down with weights hanging on my shoulders, and then trying to reverse the process.
Axle Deadlifts, SSB Squats, GHRs & I'm Competing In Paducah Next Weekend
Axle Deadlifts, SSB Squats, GHRs & I'm Competing In Paducah Nex...
Today actually felt pretty crappy overall training wise. It was just one of those days.
Some Upper Body Volume - Incline Bench, Chins, Overhead Press, Rows & More
Some Upper Body Volume - Incline Bench, Chins, Overhead Press, Rows &...
I was 214.8 this morning, so I'm up 16 pounds in 19 weeks.
Some Really Light Lower Blood Flow Work (7 DAYS OUT)
Some Really Light Lower Blood Flow Work (7 DAYS OUT)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 10, Day 1 - 2.27.15
Don't let someone elses opinion of you....
Don't let someone elses opinion of you....
Let that which does not matter, slide
Pressing - Outline of Mobility
Pressing - Outline of Mobility
I did not write down what I did on this. And I cannot remember. It's not like this was last year, this was a few days ago. Whatever I did, it was for 3x8.
I'm Back! Strongman Plans
I'm Back! Strongman Plans
I have decided to compete at the San Jose FitExpo in mid June. I am planning on competing in the Strongman Challenge on Saturday and Visegrip Viking Challenge on Sunday.
A quick review of the EliteFTS Sports Performance Training Summit
A quick review of the EliteFTS Sports Performance Training Summit
I was blown away by the lineup of presenters and the number of knowledge bombs dropped.
Close grip incline bench
Close grip incline bench
After last ill fated training cycle. I learned that CGIB works well for me. So, I added it into my 5/3/1 as the second upper body movement.
Monday volume benching
Monday volume benching
I stuck with a close to moderate grip and worked up to 405x5 for 4 sets.
Last Real Day of Training and BIG Bench vs Bands (w/VIDEO)
Last Real Day of Training and BIG Bench vs Bands (w/VIDEO)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 9, Day 4 - 2.26.15
Last Speed Squats/Deadlifts (w/VIDEO)
Last Speed Squats/Deadlifts (w/VIDEO)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 9, Day 3 - 2.24.15
I'd rather be pissed off than pissed on

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