Bench Training - Repetition Day
Bench Training - Repetition Day
Fat Bar floor press w/ video
Weekly Les Brown
Weekly Les Brown
Just Keep Digging
Quick Picks for the Week 2/22/15
Quick Picks for the Week 2/22/15
Incredible articles from this past week!
Giving it, not taking it, clearly...
Giving it, not taking it, clearly...
Isometric Week3: DE lower (Tuesday)
End of Isometrics is near...
Eccentric Week3: DE upper (Monday)
Upper Body Accessories & Never Stop Learning..
Upper Body Accessories & Never Stop Learning..
Some of the industry's top experts are still students of their craft.
Progress across the board with a ridiculous increase in my work capacity today
Primary Leg Training
Primary Leg Training
Training alone doesn't mean the intensity dips...awesome leg curl rep scheme today!
Heavy Deadlift Training (with video)
Heavy Deadlift Training (with video)
Deadlifts went without a hitch (literally)
Week 7 Day 4 - Multipy Squat with VIDEO....
Week 7 Day 4 - Multipy Squat with VIDEO....
Plate by plate im slowly getting Strong(er)....
Elite FTS Sports Performance Summit Recap..And Training
Elite FTS Sports Performance Summit Recap..And Training
Elite FTS Sports Performance Summit Recap..And Training
Last Major Bench Day for XPC Finals (w/VIDEO)
Last Major Bench Day for XPC Finals (w/VIDEO)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 9, Day 2 - 2.22.15
Last Heavy Squat/Deadlift before XPC Finals (w/VIDEO)
Last Heavy Squat/Deadlift before XPC Finals (w/VIDEO)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 9, Day 1 - 2.21.15
Last month I only hit 405 for 7 and that just was not acceptable. What did I do to fix it.
Sunday speed squats and deads
Sunday speed squats and deads
Speedy squats and mediocre deadlifts working on hook grip and what not.
Video: 655lb Deadlift and Cambered Bar Squats @ The EliteFTS Compound
Video: 655lb Deadlift and Cambered Bar Squats @ The EliteFTS Compound
Taking good advice and trusting in the process is paying off.
Light Squat Training
Light Squat Training
Anything over 3 reps is still deadly for me

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