Friday speed bench as usual
Swiss press bar to save my shoulders and trying to be Chris Duffin Jr. with my shirt on.
Video: SS Yoke Bar Squat Doubles Up to 420lbs+Bands
Nothing will make you get a lift like having a random college kid spotting you who goes "oh geez" as soon as you unrack..
Return of the Hip Hinge: 2 weeks out from the Arnold
Best session (technique wise) I've had in a long while. Mobility is up, and as a result so are my lifts. Everything was clicking in these past two sessions. Beltless work: Pin Squats up to 285 for doubles at 8rpe, and Pause Deadlifts up to 365 for doubles at 8rpe.
I am trying to plan out my year and determine my goals and plan out a competition schedule. The time is nearing to start strongman event training once again.
Stomach Flu & Angry Pec.. Easy Upper Body Day
No bueno for speed bench.. Guess it's time to find out how many exercises I can superset with curls.
Valentine's Day - Roses and Chocolate?...More Like Deadlifts and No...
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 8, Day 1 - 2.14.15