Assistance work
Assistance work
Upper back work can save lives.
Friday speed bench as usual
Friday speed bench as usual
Swiss press bar to save my shoulders and trying to be Chris Duffin Jr. with my shirt on.
Weak squat workout
Weak squat workout
Squatting and puking...not from squatting too hard
A small step in the right direction
Video: SS Yoke Bar Squat Doubles Up to 420lbs+Bands
Video: SS Yoke Bar Squat Doubles Up to 420lbs+Bands
Nothing will make you get a lift like having a random college kid spotting you who goes "oh geez" as soon as you unrack..
Bench - Heavy Day w/ Video
Bench - Heavy Day w/ Video
Heavy benching with video of me doing so
Week 6 Day 2 - Multiply Squats
Week 6 Day 2 - Multiply Squats
Another baby step.... Post Op PR!....
Quick Thoughts on How to Deal with Internet Critics
Quick Thoughts on How to Deal with Internet Critics
How do you (not) deal with the madness?
Secondary Back Workout
Secondary Back Workout
Stop short of failure on secondary workouts and focus on the pump!
Being stronger is way cooler than being harcore
Return of the Hip Hinge: 2 weeks out from the Arnold
Return of the Hip Hinge: 2 weeks out from the Arnold
Best session (technique wise) I've had in a long while. Mobility is up, and as a result so are my lifts. Everything was clicking in these past two sessions. Beltless work: Pin Squats up to 285 for doubles at 8rpe, and Pause Deadlifts up to 365 for doubles at 8rpe.
I am trying to plan out my year and determine my goals and plan out a competition schedule. The time is nearing to start strongman event training once again.
Late to the party
Late to the party
Sorry for the absence, I've been slammed with work lately.
Bench with video
Bench with video
Baby it's cold outside
Ab work
Ab work
Cramps equal PRs.
Stomach Flu & Angry Pec.. Easy Upper Body Day
Stomach Flu & Angry Pec.. Easy Upper Body Day
No bueno for speed bench.. Guess it's time to find out how many exercises I can superset with curls.
Lower Accessory / Rehab
Lower Accessory / Rehab
More lower accessory work and some visitors from south Florida
Squat / pull day withs lots of videos.
Squat / pull day withs lots of videos.
Loving and hating every minute of it.
Primary Back Workout
Primary Back Workout
This marked the end of week 12 of John Meadows BEYONDER Program.

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