Deload ME Upper: I don't "got muscle" but I sure "go...
ME Upper, Deload week, so not a much of a max effort
Crunch Time: Last Heavy Squats Before XPC!
It's actually so refreshing to finally have a good squat day
Arnold's Quickly Approaching, Lower Speed Pause Squats
In three weeks we will be on the road home from Columbus Ohio, the journey home after the journey getting there. Training for the Arnold's has been an experience in itself.
While having dinner with an old training partner the other day, I realized just how important these days are. Be the Supple Rhino
Thursday Speed deads
Did 10x1 against bands. Did all raw but last 2 sets then out suit on the get feel of the gear. Felt great.
Speed Squats/Deads and Yoke Bar Chair Deadlifts (w/VIDEO)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 7, Day 3 - 2.10.15
Reflection of Years Past, Overcoming Injury
Not everyone knows what I have overcome in the past 6 or so years, here is a quick refection, a letter I wrote to my surgeon, this sums it up in a nut shell. No Excuses Friday !
20 Days Out: Arnold Pro Raw Challenge
3 weeks out from the Arnold Pro-Raw Challenge. High volume, lower intensity work with Chain Weight on Squats and Deadlifts. Working on Lockout strength in Bench.