Squat opener RUM8 10 days out
Squat opener RUM8 10 days out
Dialing in my squat for RUM8
Exercise of the Day - Assisted Dips - Joey Smith @ Nebobarbell - 01/29/15
Exercise of the Day - Assisted Dips - Joey Smith @ Nebobarbell - 01/29/15
Exercise of the Day
Snatch/Upper Assistance
Snatch/Upper Assistance
Light olympic work with a small side of vertical pulling and pushing
Speed Squats/Deadlifts and Work Up Sets (with VIDEO)
Speed Squats/Deadlifts and Work Up Sets (with VIDEO)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 4, Day 3 - 1.20.15
Shoulder Pump
Shoulder Pump
Welcome to my first post on the new site!
Squat / pull day with video
Squat / pull day with video
High squatting like a champ
Week 9 / Day 1 - Lower Accessory / Rehab
Week 9 / Day 1 - Lower Accessory / Rehab
Lower accessory / rehab
Chest & Shoulders 1.25.15
Chest & Shoulders 1.25.15
This is my primary chest and shoulder workout for this past week. Welcome to the new Elitefts!
Training January 17, 2015
Training January 17, 2015
Training January 17, 2015
The wonders of Mobility Work...
The wonders of Mobility Work...
39 Days out from the Arnold, starting to move heavier weights again
NEW Elitefts Wrist Wrap Review (with VIDEO)
NEW Elitefts Wrist Wrap Review (with VIDEO)
Breaking down the NEW Elitefts Wrist Wraps
Monday last heavy bench before RUM8
Monday last heavy bench before RUM8
Dialing in my first and second attempts on the bench for RUM8
First Official Log Post - Pin Squats & Speed Pulls (Video)
First Official Log Post - Pin Squats & Speed Pulls (Video)
Brand New Site, Brand New Log; and Squats & Pulls with the Quickness..
Tweaks to My Primary Back Workout
Tweaks to My Primary Back Workout
Sometimes I'll repeat an exercise and other times I'll make a small tweak in form.
Fat Guy in a Little Shirt...
Fat Guy in a Little Shirt...
This may affect my ability to compete in the XPC Finals.

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