Great Leg Training Day
Great Leg Training Day
Great leg training day - videos included.
New Bench Training PR!
New Bench Training PR!
Relentless Detroit: New Metal Shirt=Huge bench PR!! 730lbs
12 Weeks Post-op Deadlifts
12 Weeks Post-op Deadlifts
I worked up to my work set of 420 for a double and was very happy with no practice and 3 months off I could do that. Nothing to jump up and down about but it gives me an idea where I am so I know where I need to be.
Opening Gear Deficient Benching
Opening Gear Deficient Benching
Week 3 / Day 3 - Opening gear deficient benching for Relentless Detroit w/ Video
RPS Annihilation Meet Report!
RPS Annihilation Meet Report!
Kirschen began powerlifting competitively in 1998, and has since reached pro totals of 1901 in the 181-pound class, and 2000 in the 198-pound class. He has benched over triple bodyweight in two weight classes at full meets. Kirschen currently manages a fitness center in New York City.
Monday heavy lower
Monday heavy lower
The SPF meet at my facility was awesome. We had about 75 spectators with about 30 lifters. Had quite a few hit elite totals.
Manageable, Consistent, Progress
Manageable, Consistent, Progress
Deadlift (PR), Pin Squat (PR)VIDEO, Touch and Go Bench (PR)VIDEO
Can't wait to train!
Can't wait to train!
WYessica Martinez is a psychology and social work graduate from Florida International University, located in Miami, Florida. She earned her elite title in 2011, with a 755-pound total in the 132-pound weight class, at the SPF Outlaw Meet. Currently, she holds the APF Florida State and National Record in Junior and Open Women's Raw division with a 830.5-pound total. Trying
Monday max effort bench- floor press with chains
Monday max effort bench- floor press with chains
After a four-year stint as a Division 1 football player at Bucknell University, Casey Williams entered the sport of powerlifting to immediate success. With only two years of commitment to the sport, he broke the all-time world record drug tested squat and total. He is currently training for Raw Unity Meet in February.
Depletion Workout
Depletion Workout
Taxed with raising three teenage daughters and affecting culture change in his 30-year-old business, Mark’s release and sanity are found in the iron. Follow his training log to see how he copes with the physical effects of moving weight for 25 years while seeking new, creative methods to ignite hypertrophy.
Week 5 / Day 2 - upper accessory training
Week 5 / Day 2 - upper accessory training
*shoulder band warm-up *light stretching
Combination of Weeks 5 & 6 training for Relentless Detroit - Squat/ Bench / Deadlift training at the UGSS
Combination of Weeks 5 & 6 training for Relentless Detroit - Squat/ ...
I made the trek up to the Compound this weekend with Schwab for the UGSS to help us prepare for our upcoming meets. As always it was an amazing time getting to see and train with the likes of the Ladewski's, Goggins, Kirshen, Casey, Molly, Marshall, Schillero and Many others
10/22/14  Acc Day....
10/22/14 Acc Day....
Since Im deloading, I decided to work on some pretty parts....
09/29/13  How to Swing a Sledgehammer - Exercise of the day w/VIDEO
09/29/13 How to Swing a Sledgehammer - Exercise of the day w/VIDEO
Joey Smith is one of the top 275-pound and 308-pound bench pressers in the world. He has a best shirted bench press of a 730 pounds at a bodyweight of 261 pounds, as well as a best shirted bench press of 805 pounds at a bodyweight of 286 pounds. He has elite totals in full power both raw and equipped.
Relentless Detroit: New Metal Shirt=Huge bench PR!! 730lbs
Relentless Detroit: New Metal Shirt=Huge bench PR!! 730lbs
Recently I was given a prototype bench shirt to try from Minna and Ano the owners of Metal. My bench program has pretty much flew out the window because I need to figure what this shirt is capable of.
Relentless Detroit: Squats up to 950&1025(vid)
Relentless Detroit: Squats up to 950&1025(vid)
Squats bar(60)x5x3 150x3 240x3 330x1 420x1 470x1
Monday Back day!
Monday Back day!
Had 45 min to train and wanted to hit it hard.
Last Friday Shoulder boulders quick pic
Last Friday Shoulder boulders quick pic
My first real shoulder day back in months. With over head pressing.
Squats 9-22-2014
Squats 9-22-2014
Worked up to 635 for 4 sets of 5. The sad part was that I did my math wrong and this is actually 67% not 70%. I suck and will do better this week.
Incline Bench
Incline Bench
Incline close grip bench press Sept 16, 2014 I was feeling the groove on this day.

Items 13381 to 13400 of 13402 total