it's been awhile since I've put some weight on the bar
A post on gratitude and making a difference
training 04.17 and 04.18.19
training 04.17 and 04.18.19
training with a partner is better
Bench work 04.14.19
Bench work 04.14.19
putting in some work
Woman's Pro-Am
Woman's Pro-Am
I spend the day at the Woman's Pro Am
upper work - dips
upper work - dips
dips are paying dividends
Block Pulls 385x4
Block Pulls 385x4
An early session in Ottawa
Bench Volume
Bench Volume
Lots of sets of 10
Maximum Effort
Maximum Effort
A low back pump that even the Fat Man Lean couldn't cure
"Whats it Worth" Wk 1 Day 4
"Whats it Worth" Wk 1 Day 4
Speed bench feeling off, but the remaining accessories had me feeling great!
725 for some reps
725 for some reps
Sumo hook grip is going well
ME Upper
ME Upper
Same Ol G
"Whats it Worth" Wk 1 Day 3
"Whats it Worth" Wk 1 Day 3
All you need to know about speed day!
Getting Back to Benching
Getting Back to Benching
Costochondritis is no fun
Off Season - Raw Squats with VIDEO....
Off Season - Raw Squats with VIDEO....
Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it. ― Dorothy M. Neddermeyer
Off Season - Sumo Deadlift Training with VIDEO....
Off Season - Sumo Deadlift Training with VIDEO....
Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her. - Lao Tzu
Lower Training - Deadlifts vs. obscene amount of band tension
Lower Training - Deadlifts vs. obscene amount of band tension
pause deadlift that wasn't supposed to be a pause deadlift
Upper body
Upper body
Colley Presses and Pullups (with exciting pullup video)

Items 1361 to 1380 of 13402 total