Block Pulls
Block Pulls
feeling good, feeling strong (with deads)
Benching with the catapult
Benching with the catapult
Benched with the catapult today
Squat Day with RoboMerck
Squat Day with RoboMerck
Squatting with the Merckinator
"Whats it Worth" Wk 1 Day 2
"Whats it Worth" Wk 1 Day 2
Bailed on what I thought was gonna be my top set. Still a good Max Effort day, I did not fail any reps. Little insight why bailing and completing reps is better than #grinding and going fo it ending with a miss.
Strongman Field Trip To Richmond, VA
Strongman Field Trip To Richmond, VA
Rocking and rolling in RVA
Lower Volume Leg Training Session
Lower Volume Leg Training Session
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 12, Day 3 - 4.16.19
ME Lower
ME Lower
This Sucked
Dynamic Effort Upper: Final Speed Bench Session
Dynamic Effort Upper: Final Speed Bench Session
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 11, Day 2 - 4.15.19
Max Effort Upper: Not An Ideal Day of Training, Session Moved Forward
Max Effort Upper: Not An Ideal Day of Training, Session Moved Forward
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 12, Day 1 - 4.11.19
Meet Training Cycle - Week 10 Day 4 - Squats in Briefs with VIDEO....
Meet Training Cycle - Week 10 Day 4 - Squats in Briefs with VIDEO....
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. – Mark Twain
Meet Training Cycle - Week 10 Day 3 - Supplemental Training....
Meet Training Cycle - Week 10 Day 3 - Supplemental Training....
Either you run the day, or the day runs you. – Jim Rohn
Bench/Sled Work
Bench/Sled Work
switching it up with sled work - make every trip a different movement (see videos)
Leg Training with Supersets
Leg Training with Supersets
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 11, Day 3 - 4.9.19
Dynamic Effort Upper: Speed Bench Week 2; Accessory Work
Dynamic Effort Upper: Speed Bench Week 2; Accessory Work
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 11, Day 2 - 4.8.19
Max Effort Upper: Taking 500+ For A Ride! [VIDEO]
Max Effort Upper: Taking 500+ For A Ride! [VIDEO]
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 11, Day 1 - 4.6.19
Surviving Finals and Box Squats 440x4
Surviving Finals and Box Squats 440x4
Another semester down, and a decent squat day
"Whats it Worth" Wk 1 Day 1
"Whats it Worth" Wk 1 Day 1
What's it worth program will be a 6 week conjugate program and a 4 week peak for the APF Nationals in Michigan June 12
Rep Effort Upper: 215x8x8; Beginning To Pull Things Back
Rep Effort Upper: 215x8x8; Beginning To Pull Things Back
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 10, Day 4 - 4.4.19
Leg Training Maintenance
Leg Training Maintenance
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 10, Day 3 - 4.2.19

Items 1381 to 1400 of 13402 total