Ahnold Weekend
Getting back into the suit, ACTUALLY TOUCHING MY SHIRTED BENCHES HOLY SHI(r)T, and the two most important pictures from the weekend.
Dynamic Effort Upper: Cambered Bar Speed Bench; Heavy DB Bench Work
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 5, Day 2 - 2.25.19
Rack Pull - 3/14/2019
Rack pulls used to be one of my favorite pull variations. That was before I trained at a gym that doesn't have a designated 'rack pull bar'. I try my best to be respectful and not let the bar make more than a soft 'ting' at the bottom. I'm not always super successful in making […]
Five Flipping Pounds
Three years and two months of playing varsity for team shit show, for a fucking 5 lb pr- five fucking pounds.
Meet Training Cycle - Week 7 Day 4 - Gearwhore Squats with VIDEO....
Believe you can and you’re halfway there. — Theodore Roosevelt
Wide Grip Bench / Board Presses
Realizing I'm shoulder dominant. Changes and movements to get tricep strength up.