Rest Days
Rest Days
Lame Af
x10 Squats at a Kajillion Pounds
x10 Squats at a Kajillion Pounds
Pushing really hard on the reps right now.
Shmedium Benching and My Squat PR From 2014
Shmedium Benching and My Squat PR From 2014
May want to know where the nearest emergency eyewash station is after you see this
Squats - Cambered Bar
Squats - Cambered Bar
Last week of cambered bar box squats
Working to Get Back on Track
Working to Get Back on Track
And be strong(er) than I was yesterday
Meet Training Cycle - Week 7 Day 3 - Supplemental Training....
Meet Training Cycle - Week 7 Day 3 - Supplemental Training....
Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed. – Bob Riley
Meet Training Cycle - Week 7 Day 2 - Conventional Tuggin with VIDEO....
Meet Training Cycle - Week 7 Day 2 - Conventional Tuggin with VIDEO....
If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you. – Les Brown
Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (In Programming)
Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (In Programming)
The plan for the rest of the meet prep and my lower day
Little Bit of Benching
Little Bit of Benching
Bored AF
Lat and Elbow Cueing to Avoid Elbow Pain on Squats
Lat and Elbow Cueing to Avoid Elbow Pain on Squats
JP and I made a video to help your elbows when you squat
Not Max Effort, Not Being Stupid
Not Max Effort, Not Being Stupid
It beats not training
Pulling, My F'n Favorite
Pulling, My F'n Favorite
Boring AF
Power-Building Wk 7-8: Day 4 Upper - massive shoulders
Power-Building Wk 7-8: Day 4 Upper - massive shoulders
This is a brutal shoulder day, if you want a serious shoulder challenge, try this out.
Fat Dad Conjugate Update Etc Etc
Fat Dad Conjugate Update Etc Etc
Except I'm not fat nor a Dad
THE GREAT PANIC OF 2019 (and the resolution thereof)
THE GREAT PANIC OF 2019 (and the resolution thereof)
It has been a linear progression to my top training freak out of this cycle.
Training Partners I Have Loved and Lost
Training Partners I Have Loved and Lost
No don't worry this isn't that serious it's about my training buddy. Also about my ME Lower day. And also something I remembered about my bench from the other week.
Back to Work
Back to Work
back to the drawing board
Power-Building Wk 7-8: Day 3 Back / Lower
Power-Building Wk 7-8: Day 3 Back / Lower
Wk1 of this really took its toll on me, it made me want it really bad on week two and I definitely hit my goal
Good Start to a New Block
Good Start to a New Block
Good training makes everything better

Items 1581 to 1600 of 13402 total