Bench - Gear
Bench - Gear
Swapped out squats to get some more coaching on bench.
Ending A Speed Block
Ending A Speed Block
Baby steps toward getting back to normal
Dynamic Effort Upper: Cambered Bar Speed Bench, Wave 1
Dynamic Effort Upper: Cambered Bar Speed Bench, Wave 1
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 4, Day 2 - 2.18.19
Max Effort Upper: Axle Bar Floor Press vs Chains - PR! [VIDEO]
Max Effort Upper: Axle Bar Floor Press vs Chains - PR! [VIDEO]
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 4, Day 1 - 2.16.19
Lower Body Training
Lower Body Training
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 3, Day 5 - 2.15.19
Rep Effort Upper: 10x10 With Accessory Work
Rep Effort Upper: 10x10 With Accessory Work
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 3, Day 4 - 2.14.19
Sunday Events
Sunday Events
Slogging forward
Bad Squats in Wraps
Bad Squats in Wraps
Hopefully something is better than nothing
training 02.20 and 02.21.19
training 02.20 and 02.21.19
volume and variation
training 2.16 and 2.17.19
training 2.16 and 2.17.19
raw squats and banded chins
Deficit WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY Deadlift
Deficit WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY Deadlift
Also got to rub my hands and body all over the nice new belt squat
Week 2 of the Speed Bench Wave
Week 2 of the Speed Bench Wave
Speed Bench, A Heavy Single, JM Presses
2 days out... Recovery
2 days out... Recovery
Headed to Arctic Recovery
Week 6 Day 1, 2, 3, 4 - Deload Week....
Week 6 Day 1, 2, 3, 4 - Deload Week....
Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak. – Thomas Carlyle
Working and Coaching
Working and Coaching
Full time jobs and full time training
Have Faith
Have Faith
From @underthebar 's AMA today. This is a pillar I build my life around. Do you think i have it easy? Do you think anyone does? Everyone struggles, some more so than others and some in different ways. . . . This isn't a preachy post but I had a client reach out to me […]
8 Weeks Out and Changing Everything I Do
8 Weeks Out and Changing Everything I Do
As I type that out that sounds like a terrible idea.... But potentially making some squat and dl changes.
Macro-Friendly Cheesecake Brownie Recipe
Macro-Friendly Cheesecake Brownie Recipe
Love brownies AND cheesecake, but on a diet? Come meet my brownies

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