Lower Body
Lower Body
Super light movements just to get the body moving and rid of the aches.
I Think About Death
I Think About Death
And that's not bad.
Tuesday before the meet
Tuesday before the meet
a few more days
Meet Training Cycle - Week 5 Day 4 - Gearwhore Squats with VIDEO....
Meet Training Cycle - Week 5 Day 4 - Gearwhore Squats with VIDEO....
If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles. – Wayne Dyer
Missing Max Effort movements even when accessories are the right ones?
Missing Max Effort movements even when accessories are the right ones?
So, if you are missing main lifts due to glute activation, are you really activating your glutes on your accessories?
Simple, Yet Effective Leg Training
Simple, Yet Effective Leg Training
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 3, Day 3 - 2.12.19
Midweek work 2.13 and 2.14.19
Midweek work 2.13 and 2.14.19
little of this and a little of that
Weekend Training 2.9 and 2.10.19
Weekend Training 2.9 and 2.10.19
Raw work and helping out
Board Presses x Yoga
Board Presses x Yoga
Although I don't recommend doing yoga in the middle of training, today had some benefit to it.
Dynamic Effort Upper: Swiss Bar vs Chains, Round 3
Dynamic Effort Upper: Swiss Bar vs Chains, Round 3
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 3, Day 2 - 2.11.19
Max Effort Upper: Breaking In The New Shirt [VIDEO]
Max Effort Upper: Breaking In The New Shirt [VIDEO]
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 3, Day 1 - 2.9.19
Cambered Box Squats
Cambered Box Squats
Perks of specialty bars.
Meet Training Cycle - Week 5 Day 3 - Supplemental Training....
Meet Training Cycle - Week 5 Day 3 - Supplemental Training....
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. – Les Brown
Transformer Bar and Legs
Transformer Bar and Legs
In the Cage 2019
Deads with chain
Deads with chain
I've done worse
"bodybuilding" Wk5-6 Day4: Upper
"bodybuilding" Wk5-6 Day4: Upper
Saturdays are for the team
Dead Stop Pressing, Non Stop Jokes
Dead Stop Pressing, Non Stop Jokes
A tendinitis joke that I'm so mad I didn't think of until now.

Items 1641 to 1660 of 13402 total