Super Bowl Leg Training with the Wife
Super Bowl Leg Training with the Wife
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 2, Day 2 - 2.3.19
99% Back to Regular Training 4 Out Of Shape Fatties (aka powerlifting)
99% Back to Regular Training 4 Out Of Shape Fatties (aka powerlifting)
Figuring out speed work and also apparently people want to read about other people's training so there is some of that in here too. Something for everyone!
Max Effort Upper: Incline Bench Press [VIDEO]
Max Effort Upper: Incline Bench Press [VIDEO]
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 2, Day 1 - 2.2.19
Why You're Cramping During Training
Why You're Cramping During Training
Another video we did on someone's question from IG
"bodybuilding" Wk3-4 Day3: Lower
"bodybuilding" Wk3-4 Day3: Lower
When your body does not want to do with the information your mind is trying to give it.
Meet Training Cycle - Week 4 Day 1 - Sorta Raw Benching....
Meet Training Cycle - Week 4 Day 1 - Sorta Raw Benching....
Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine. ― Roy T. Bennett
Geared Deads: Week 1
Geared Deads: Week 1
Getting feedback and some guidance on how to alternate raw/speed work/and a max effort day. I will share my learnings.
"bodybuilding" Wk3-4 Day2: Upper
"bodybuilding" Wk3-4 Day2: Upper
body still feels like I am powerlifting.... going to make a slight adjustment.
Week 4 / Day 2 - 54 weeks post-op bench won't believe what happened
Week 4 / Day 2 - 54 weeks post-op bench won't belie...
Week 4 - bench training for the XPC and 54 weeks post-op
Meet Training Cycle - Week 3 Day 4 - Gearwhore Squat Training....
Meet Training Cycle - Week 3 Day 4 - Gearwhore Squat Training....
Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. – C.S. Lewis
Meet Training Cycle - Week 3 Day 3 - Supplemental Training....
Meet Training Cycle - Week 3 Day 3 - Supplemental Training....
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill
Pulling My Opener 725
Pulling My Opener 725
Rocking that ugly mask of fatigue
Bench Shirt: Week 1
Bench Shirt: Week 1
First day back in gear.
Midweek training 01.30-31.2019
Midweek training 01.30-31.2019
hacks and tsunami bench
Weekend Training 1.26-27.2019
Weekend Training 1.26-27.2019
keeping moving while still in recovery mode
"bodybuilding" Wk3-4 Day1: Lower
"bodybuilding" Wk3-4 Day1: Lower
Legs were shot for 3 days post workout
Rep Effort Upper: 10x10; A Crummy Week of Meet Prep and How To Overcome It
Rep Effort Upper: 10x10; A Crummy Week of Meet Prep and How To Overcome It
APF Pressing The Pieces Together; Week 1, Day 4 - 1.31.19
Week 4 / Day 1 - Squat opener for XPC Finals
Week 4 / Day 1 - Squat opener for XPC Finals
week 4 - planned squat opener
Muck Fotivation
Muck Fotivation
I've learned more about myself under that bar, more than in any other experience in my life, work hard help others be rewarded.

Items 1721 to 1740 of 13402 total