Week 1 of 3-week Phase of Barbell 'Re-Acclimation" & Conditioning

I've been guilty in the past of either not doing enough assistance work (calling it quits after a rough max effort session) or screwing around with too many different movements and not getting enough out of them. I've always found Jim Wendler's training philosophy and reading through 5/3/1 and his articles to be something that helps me re-focus when things start to get cluttered. I'm making conscious decisions to simplify training, and not in any way make it easier (if anything it's going to get tougher), but make it more efficient.

Especially since I'm not competing again till Fall and doing everything raw right now, I'm focusing on making sure all my sessions have the following:
  1. Short Athletic Warm-Up (move in directions other than squat/bench/deadlift for once)
  2. Do something explosive (dynamic work)
  3. Train the big lifts intelligently (Squat/Press/Deadlift)
  4. Pick 1-2 additional solid exercises that address weaknesses/build strength/prevent injury and do them RIGHT (assistance work)
  5. Do something for conditioning (I need to be in better shape for my strength work)

..These are all "no-brainers" that I should always be doing, but it's easy to focus too much on one or two and let the others fall through the cracks.

Today's Training:

This is the first week back deadlifting, and I'm following suit with my other lifts for the week, using 3x8 with RPE of about 7 (so staying light for week 1). 


*500 meters on rower

*3 sets of mace swings with ShouldeRok

*Couple short trips back and forth of:

a. Toe touch to leg swings

b. Lunges

c. Hip flexor stretch/Spiderman crawl

Strength Work:

A. Deadlift - 3x8 w/ 365lbs (RPE of about 7)


A2* 3x5 of heavy kettlebell swings to work on explosive hip drive in between deadlift warm ups.

B. Pause Front Squats - 3x5 w/ 225lbs

C. GHR - 3xAMRAP with strict form

D. Hanging Leg Raises - 3x10


A. Intervals on Rower - 30 secs hard, 1 minute steady - 2,000 meters in 9:20.

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