I deviated from my Meadows designed back workout on this day. The following details what I came up with for Christina and me to perform as part of my primary back workout at Gold’s Gym on Monday night in Kirkland. Get ready for some volume!
MAG Rows
I used the following attachment for this exercise: https://www.elitefts.com/mag-close-grip-supinate.html.
Set 1 x 10 reps with 110lbs
Set 2 x 10 reps with 130lbs
Set 3 x 10 reps with 150lbs
Set 4 x 10 reps with 170lbs
Set 5 x 10 reps with 190lbs
Set 6 x 8 reps with 210lbs -> drop to 130lbs x 8 reps
*The key here is to squeeze and hold the contraction for a split second on every rep. I lost reps on the last set so I included a drop set. I counted this as 3 working sets.
Pull-up Death
This is a Meadows concept…
Wide Pronate Grip Pull-up
3 sets of 10 reps with 95lbs assistance
Medium Semi-Pronate Grip Pull-up
3 sets of 10 reps with 95lbs assistance
Close Neutral Grip Pull-up
3 sets of 10 reps with 95lbs assistance
*I used the assist machine to ensure I could really pull myself up high to engage the lats and use ultra-strict form. This is a total of 9 working sets via 3 variations.
Dante Rows
Set 1 x 10 reps with 80lbs
Set 2 x 21 reps (failure) with 80lbs
*Perform one set to get the feel and then perform a second set as a challenge set. I paused at 16 reps for a second and then kept grinding to 21.
Here is a video to give you an idea on the form from a different workout:
Machine Chest Supported Row
Set 1 x 10 reps with 140lbs
Set 2 x 10 reps with 140lbs
Set 3 x 10 reps with 140lbs
*Get a good stretch when your arms are extended and then flex hard and hold the contraction once you drive the elbows back. Be sure to keep your elbows high to work the upper/middle back.
6-5-4-3 Cambered Bar Shrugs
Set 1 x 6-5-4-3 reps with 225lbs
Set 2 x 6-5-4-3 reps with 225lbs
Set 3 x 6-5-4-3 reps with 225lbs
*The idea here is to hold the weight in the contracted position for 6 second, followed by 6 full range reps, followed by a 5 second hold in the contracted position, followed by 5 full range reps, followed by a 4 second hold in the contracted position, followed by 4 full range reps…etc. You’re doing a total of 18 reps and 18 seconds worth of static holds in the contracted position on each set.
That concluded this primary back workout.
Train hard!