Mon, 3 Sept 18
Speed Upper
Life update: Last week after being home for only a few days since the end of my last clinical, I went down to the OBX with some friends and I proposed to my girlfriend of 5+ years and for some reason she agreed to marry me. Not sure if it was my smooth lines when we first met (it wasn't) or the promise of all that pro strongman moolah (it's not), but I coudn't be happier.
Stupidity Update: I'm finally home for a good stretch now and today was only my second day back training in my garage. Sadly it was bench and more sadly, I managed to tweak something stupid on my next to last set working up, which changed it to my last set. I think it is my left pec minor, but it could be coracobrachialis as well since I initially felt some discomfort into that region of my left arm. Whatever it is, it's definitely not pec major and it is something that attaches to the coracoid process of my left scapula, and it's a very minor strain cause most of the time I can't even feel it and there is no bruising and there was no pop. Since I have nothing coming up in the near future though, there was also no need to push it and make it into something worse.
Chain Bench Press (1 set)
20x45 - No chains
10x55 - Add chains
The last set was still moving well and I was going to repeat there for one more set, but during the set I got a minor pain in my left shoulder/arm so I stopped and after a quick self-analysis decided I was done for the day.
Single Arm Seated Cable Row/Blast Strap Pushups
10ea x 45
5ea x 70/8xBW - I stopped the pushups when I felt pain.
2x10ea x 105 - No more pushups
Horizontal Band Pullaparts
2x20x mini band
I tried out some sets of active range of motion flys with my left arm and had some very minor discomfort. Hopefully I can get this cleared up quickly.