An unexpected surprise today at my Physio appointment. I told the Physiotherapist the Dr. gave me the go-ahead to start lifting again, she said that's great, gave me a few more progressions for my Rotator Cuff and said I think I can release you today.
It seems I have progressed quickly, the past week I worked really hard on my physio, advancing myself and lifting some weights. Being strong going into surgery is the number one reason people should get strong and stay strong.
There has been another lady doing physio along with me, she had shoulder surgery last September and has no strength and no ROM. She was weak when she had a fall and now she has a long long road to recovery. I feel bad for her which brings me to my next point that I cannot stress enough, get strong, stay strong.
Strong is the "New Skinny" the "New Healthy" the "New Resilience" One never knows when you are going to take ill or get injured, get into a car accident or have a fall. You never can predict if you are to ever require surgery or be laid up for a period of time.
Get strong stay strong so you can overcome adversity and recover quicker than the weak. Even if you don't compete, aren't competitive or don't play sports. Getting strong is a must for every human being, if not for yourself, do it for your family as they are the ones who will be helping you recover when adversity hits.
I will always train and keep strong, I am living proof that being strong helps you recover quicker and keeps you healthy.
#livelearnpasson #driven #strongher #trainhardorgohome