Mon, 20 Nov 17

Upper @ BSG

In the wake of competing on Saturday in Richmond, I'm definitely sore in my erectors from waist to skull, but besides that and feeling like I may have come down with a cold half the time, I think I am doing pretty good.   My write up will hopefully be posted later this week.  Spoiler alert - I won, Brute Strength Gym was well represented on the podium in most of the men's and women's divisions, and my former training partner and uber handsome gentleman, Mike Inman, went full potato despite some unfortunate last minute changes.

Since my schedule is off this week due to Thanksgiving on Thursday, I figured I'd better get in the gym while the getting was good.  I picked up where I left off in my programming, and I use the term loosely.  I'd like to think I'll be able to get a new program worked out and put into action by next week.

American Bar Strict Press








My biggest problem with pressing out of a rack or off blocks (besides being weak) is getting my lats tight.  When I press after doing a clean, whether log, axle, barbell, or whatever else, I always do much better.

Paused Reverse Grip Lat Pulldowns/DB Lateral Raises

3x{10x168/15x20} - 4 count negative on pulldowns after pause at bottom.

Paused Dips/DB Curls

3x{10xBW/10ea x 50} - I was mostly doing the paused dips to stretch out my boobies a little.

I don't think I'll be prowling for a mile on Thanksgiving this year since I'd have to do it on rubber flooring (which is the stupidest of all prowling because of the friction) with 60 foot lengths (which there's no way I could keep track of for however many times I'd need to do that to hit 5,280 feet), but I'll definitely be heading to Brute in the morning to do something ridiculous.