Warm up
The Absurd 18

SSB squat 205/240/270x5, 205x15
Football bar inverted rows x20x15x10x5
Football bar curls x20x15x15

Man, I'm so glad I spoke to Rhodes the other day. I know I mentioned the epiphany about completing perfect reps versus the 10x10 volume trip I was on. I also took away the box. Although I basically touch and go to a foam pad, it's definitely different form and I don't think my back likes it.

All that said, the squats felt perfect. I focused on performing all reps basically as singles, even the last set with 15 reps. Squatting and trap bar deadlifting has been all I have needed over the years to work my lower body. However, sometimes I get caught up with the weights instead of just letting things run their course.

I saw a video of Wendler deadlifting around 500 for 2 on the trap bar. He's had back surgery not too long ago so this is awesome. I know Jim is a slave to his process. I on the other hand train constantly, but forever forget and change things up. This probably sounds like a broken record, but I can be pretty stupid. Hopefully this is the first step in a smart training cycle. We'll see.