I’m currently in meet prep for the 2016 APF Illinois State Meet, in Sycamore, Illinois. I will be competing at 148 pounds, raw (without wraps). At this meet I will just be taking token lifts to qualify for APF Equipped Nationals which is in Orlando, Florida where I will be competing at 132 pounds, raw with knee wraps. As such, the bigger picture is to prep for this meet, and obtain a top three placing to qualify for WPC Worlds in November.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com

Monday I was back in the rec after working with some clients to knock out the fluff work. This was a really fun, quick session that really got the blood flowing. The 5x60 on the reverse pec dec was absolutely brutal. I think I used like 15 pounds or so, and my rear delts were so pumped full of blood. I was having rear delt spasms the rest of the night.  But, weak areas are bringing brought up and my recovery is feeling pretty decent right now. Days like this, make me want to get into some more bodybuilding training in the near future. Yep, I said it. Who know's if it'll actually happen though, haha.

Items Used in this Training Session

A1) Single Arm Chest Supported Rows
6x15 per arm

B1) Snatch Grip Upright Rows

C1) Bodyweight Skull Crushers/Extensions
100 total reps

D1) Reverse Pec Dec