After doing some work in the Metal M single ply bench shirt last week I decided to do a little work in the Metal Ace bench shirt. I've used the Metal Ace shirt in every meet I've done since 2010. I've trained in other shirts, tested other shirts and for me, the Ace works best. The shirt has a lot of stopping power which can make touching difficult at times but I like that and I like the energy it provides off the chest. My plan today was to work up in weight until I could touch or until I determined that it would take more to touch then I could press.
worked up to 365 raw for a single
Put on Metal Ace bench shirt
405 for a triple - did not touch
455 for a triple - did not touch
495 for a double - about 1/4 inch from touching
dumbbell rows
worked up to 168's for 2 sets of 5 reps
standing military press with angle bar
2 plates for 3 sets of 8 reps
I was pleased with the shirt work and was able to maintain control of the bar. My last meet I was only able to press 500 so my strength has improved, elbow is solid and form was on point.