Sun, 29 Apr 18
Heavy Not Heavy Upper
Not my most intelligent move. I definitely jumped the gun a little bit here, but my other option was turning this one week long odyssey of poop training or lack thereof into a deuce. So I trained.
Axle Incline Bench
0x270 - I held it for about 10 seconds when I stalled out and then started to turn my whole body to the left while lying on the bench so I bailed to prevent (more) stupidity. After checking video, I brought the bar too low on my chest which caused me to drive up and slightly toward my crotch instead of up and back toward my head.
3x3x245 - Half of these reps were garbage and it was for the exact same reason as above.
Pendlay Rows
Surprisingly after my bench debacle, rows felt great.
Axle DB Strict Press/Pullups
2x{5ea x 85/10xBW}
The DB presses were super sketchy today so I only did 5x instead of 6x and only 2 sets. Pullups were likely circling the toilet.
I almost quit here because everything was getting worse fast, but I made myself do some super easy abs and low back and I'm glad I did.
Back Ext/Incline Reverse Crunches
Three more days of final exams and one paper and then I'm done with all classes for PT school and then off to my next clinical in Norfolk.