Tues, 26 Nov 19
Block 1, Week 4, Day 1 - ME DL/SQ
I am using blood flow restriction to help my right knee get squared away and also to warmup in place of snatch and clean and jerk. I did it on Saturday before events as well, just forgot to log it. I probably shouldn't have tried to do heavy deads today, but I figured it would be easier on my knee than squats. I stand by that logic, but I still had to shut it down early due to increasing funk.
75 reps ea x light band
BFR Squats
75 reps x BW
2x455 - Started noticing my knee more after this set.
1x495 - Same as above, but slightly more.
1x545 - I am nothing if not stupid and stubborn. Finally stopped after this set since I was becoming increasingly aware of lateral R knee unpleasantness.
Of course, then I was pissed at myself and I wanted to feel like I had done something so I did this.
15x405 - Wow, I am not used to high rep sets, but at least it didn't make my knee any worse.
DB Step Ups/SSYB Calf Raises
12ea x 25/20x245
2x{12ea x 35/20x245}
Copenhagen Planks/Russian Twists
2x{8ea x 5 sec pause/15ea x 25}
Yet gain, I finished in a crappier mood than I started because I felt like I did not do my knee any favors with trying to do heavy deads.