Thurs, 30 Mar 17

Block 11, Wave 1 - Cleans/Assistance II

Shakira said the hips don't lie and mine are saying I have been sitting studying for most of the last 4 days and my warmup today did not loosen them up enough to allow me not to be awful.  I guess I'm at least happy that cleans looked as crappy as they felt.  Training today was a massive struggle with myself and I eventually got to the point where I was just spinning my wheels even with lightening everything up so it was time to stop.  Good news is that today feels like Friday after taking my midterm exam in Ther-ex II (patients with stroke and TBI) so hopefully that'll make this feel like a 3 day weekend.

Clean & Jerk (clean each rep)

clean complex x 45

jerk complex x 45




3x235 - There is no way this weight has ever felt this terrible before.

3x235 - I switched from cleans to power cleans on this set which made it suck marginally less.

3x235 - This was my best set and it was still total garbage.  Watching the video makes me cringe.

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Snatch Complex (2x hang power snatch, 2x OHSQ, 2x snatch balance)


I kept the weight super light because there was a clear and present danger that I was going to drop it on my head.

Paused DB Shrugs/DB Curls

3x{10x90/12ea x 40}

I used a 5 count pause at the top of shrugs and a 5 count negative and they still felt stupid.  It wasn't until midway through my last set that I remembered I had planned to do them with the axle.



I had planned to super set these with face pulls, but my will to live was gone by this point so I cut my losses to prevent doing something idiotic.

Lots more studying and exams for the foreseeable future so hopefully I can keep my training from tanking too much these last few weeks leading up to my first comp of the year.  Looking forward to Saturday and training some throws and some events for the Salisbury Summer Strongman Slam at the end of May.