APF State meet December 15, 2019
Had a short conversation with Trevor Jaffe about my hands and my callous' that keep ripping off. His suggestion was that my hands may be way too dry, I instantly agreed with him and he suggested a certain type of hand stuff that was basically vaseline in thickness. This was all A FTER today's loooong deadlift session where the speed deads wore my grip out and my first set of RE deads opened up my hand ... again. We shall see what hydrated hands do for me come next week for ME deads
*SPEED Squats, Wide Stance, Slightly High Box + Double Green Bands 10x2: (275)
*SPEED Deads + Green Bands 15x1: (290) CALLOUS was GONE!
*Competition Deads 3x6: 455
*Barbell Deadlift out of GHR, come up to flat position 3x8: 165
*Leg Press 3x25: 150
*Slider Plate Hamstring Curls 3x12: SKIP
*Plank Banded Rows 3 rounds 45’s