For the past few months, My mid-week training has been minimal. I know I should be getting more than 2 hard sessions in per week, but since I'm making progress and my body feels good, I haven't really worried much about it. I do want to start upping my workload though, because my one concern is that my fitness won't be up to par when I need to get through an 8 (or more) hour meet.
Wednesday I got in a speed deadlift workout along with my strength class, since they were working up in the deadlift that day.
After the usual 40-50 lb jumps, I did 6 singles with 315. Since I want to gradually keep challenging my lower back, I did it with no belt.
My speed was good and stayed consistent throughout the sets. I feel like I'm getting a little better at pulling faster off the floor, and not trying to 'ease" the bar off the floor. Finished with some back extensions and standing ab work, and that was it.