- Training by David L. Tate in italics
Saturday 1/12
- Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- Dynamic Effort Movement
- Barbell Box Squats
- + Same weight as last week
- + 15 sets of 2 with no more than 1 min rest.
235 15x2. These were ok but just needed to go faster. Which I started trying to do and indeed they went faster. It’s amazing that I know they are speed squats and I try to go fast but all the other things I am trying to think about get smushed to the forefront of my brain and I lose the purpose of them- speed.
- Supplemental Movement - 1
- GHR with med ball eccentrics.
- + Warm ups
- + 3 working sets where you rise to the top and lower holding a 20-40 pound med ball. Do as many reps as you can LEAVING 3-4 reps in the tank at the end of each set
Used a 40 lb med ball and it was going smoothly until Dave told me to GO SLOWER on the way down and it got exponentially harder. I don’t know if it was more difficult for me or the person squatting down and curling it back up to me each rep.
- Supplemental Movement - 2
- Belts Squats super setted with leg extensions
- + 20 reps on each
- + 1 warm up set and 3 work sets
0 warm up sets I’m warm already sorry. Plate and some change for belt squats, 2 plates for leg extensions. Tried to keep the rest minimal in between the two.
- Accessory 1
- Blue Ab Bench with very light med ball between knees with feet off floor.
- + crush ball between legs
- + 4 sets to failure
Used a deflated basketball to crush with my thighs. I spent my freshman year of high school dribbling off my foot so that’s the most successful I’ve been with a basketball in my life.
- Accessory 2
- Reverse Hypers (light and tight)
- + 4 sets of 12 to 15 reps
2 plates on each side with chest up, slight arch, trying to control the weight- slow and low. That is the tempo.
- Accessory 3
- Planks pulling elbows and toes together. 6-10 sec Iso Holds.
- + 6 sets
I did my cauldron stirring instead because I don’t want snape to hit me on the back of the head with a book.
- Free Time
- Whatever you want
Belt marching, adductors, kickbacks since those are the only thing I can feel in my butt.
Because training is back to back days. 90 - 90 rest on floor with calves on bench. Just chill for 5 minutes working on breathing in through nose (to belly) and out mouth.
Then hit the recovery pit and do whatever you like.
Warm Up
Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Lat Pulls
- Face Pulls
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- Max Effort Movement
- Reverse band (light) with multi grip bar
Pretty sure I ended with 2 plates, a quarter and a five on each side. I looked at my notes and there is a question mark next to the five since I forgot what change I had on there. So uh, great record keeping.
- Supplemental Movement - 1
- + 70% of what you just maxed for 2 sets of 5
A strength builder. That seems like it does not need any further exposition. I completed this task successfully.
- Supplemental Movement - 2
- Tricep Extension with bells (can be kettle bells, dumbbells or fat bells). 80 total reps. Use as many sets as you need but no more than 30 seconds rest between sets
25 lbs- rolling triceps.
- Accessory 1
- Rear Delt Raises with Prone Bench
- + 6 sets of 15 reps
Uh 15 lbs probably?
- Accessory 2
- + because Lily told me this was “functional”
- Med Ball Front Raises superset with Med Ball Over Head Press (same weight).
- + 4 rounds of 20 reps
16 lb med ball now I’m going to be so good at jacking off a mountain troll or something then holding its testicles above my head. So functional.
- Accessory 3
- Close Grip Low Rows (don’t care what handle)
- + 4 sets 8-10 heavy
200 lbs using a closer grip handle.
- Free Time
- Whatever you want
Face pulls, lat pulldowns, curls, planks.
- Recovery
- Because training is back to back days. 90 - 90 rest on floor with calves on bench. Just chill for 5 minutes working on breathing in through nose (to belly) and out mouth.
- Then hit the recovery pit and do whatever you like.