2016 has been a productive strongman season returning back to the sport. In June I took third place in the Open SHWW with United States Strongman. In September I won the HWW America's Strongest Master with Strongman Corporation. I would like to continue to make improvements and push my performance considerably for next year.
As of right now, I have no competition plans until next year. I am not sure what they will be but am using this down time to address some weaknesses, particularly 12" log and circus DB. Grip training will return as well.
My mind LOVES squats. My left knee isn't always a fan. Some story as forever. Knee is great when not squatting. When I squat, it hurts. I've been steering away from The SquatGuide and end up paying for it each and every time.
SSB Box Squat
Warm up, 3x8
135, 1x5
185, 1x5
225, 1x5
245, 1x5
255, 1x3
Light gripper work, focusing on sets of 10. My hands are so soft, its like I don't even lift.
Rolling Thunder
110, 5x3