*x-band walk
*banded hip extension
*glute bridge
*bird dog
Buffalo Bar vs. 6 chains
- Bar x 10
- 165 x 5
- 255 x 3
- 365 x 2 - added Ace briefs
- 455 x 2
- 565 x 1
- 615 x 1 - wrapped
- 655 x 1 - wrapped
Wagon Wheel Pulls
- 245 x 2
- 355 x 1
- 465 x 1
- 515 x 1
I haven't been able to brief up since November due to lower back / SI Joint pain, but with the help of my training partners and my Chiropractor I was able to squat pain free today for the first time in a year and a half. I can't begin to tell you how happy and relieved this makes me. We've still got work to to do and hurdles to cross, but today was a victory for me and the team.
Jesus, I sound like an athlete doing an interview after a game...