Building, building, building.....
After some distractions that forced me away from my training, I am so pleased to be back to the gym and focusing on rebuilding and shattering some very specific grip goals in late January 2016. I am eager to rebuild and continue moving forward with competing, being a business owner and enjoying the off season for my minions while they get back into the gym, work with their coaches and make every training day count.
SquatGuide 3x5
SSB Squat
Bar, 3x5
175, 1x3
225, 1x3
265, 1x3
285, 1x1
305, 1x1
Alternating sets with RT Holds
99 x 2 – stopped at 8 sec
109 x 2 – 7 sec
109 x 2 – 6 sec
109 x 2 – 6 sec
109 x 2 – 3 sec
SSB Good Mornings 175, 3x6
Jedd was super kind to send me a giant bag of grippers to help bridge the gap to assist with my certification on the COC 2.5. I truly believe this has been my missing piece. I jump from an RGC gripper rating of 106 up to 143, so there is a LARGE margin I am missing.
Went to gym without grippers, did them in evening…
Grippers – 10 sets of 1 rep
114.9 x 0 ¼” or so
110 x 0 ¼” or so
106 x 0 Shut it down, clearly not able to hit my targets.
Filed Gripper – I had nothing left to attempt this.
My grip was completely shot. It's obvious I have some work to do.