![Squats and Pulls - Week 1](https://www.elitefts.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/beast-reality-700-deadlift-erik-eggers-121913.jpg)
I recently lifted in the 2019 APF Raw Challenge in Chicago. I ended up with an 1802 total via a 705 squat, 463 bench and 633 deadlift. I'll be starting an offseason right after New Years.
This is a week or so earlier than I would come back and really start training again, but are a couple of reasons why I decided to go ahead and start.
1. I came into and out of the meet completely healthy. I'm not nursing any injuries and don't need an extended break as a result.
2. I did nothing at all for 2 weeks. Usually I do some amount of training, but this time did nothing. I also got a ton of extra calories and lots of extra sleep because of the week off from work. I felt recovered from the meet much faster than normal.
3. Conveniently, this puts me 20 weeks out from the meet I think I want to do. I like to have 10 off season weeks and then a 10 week contest prep, so I decided to get started.
For the next 4-6 weeks most of my training will be RPE based, allowing me to regulate the workload on the fly and pull back/push forward as my body allows. I feel very good right now.
1. Pause Squats - RPE 7ish, up to 415 x 5. Effort was pretty low here.
2. Band Pulls - RPE 7 - Mini band up to 405 x 3. I really need to mount some band pegs to my platform and stop messing with the setup.
3. Low Block Pulls - RPE 7 - 495 x 2 x 2. As mentioned in a previous log, I feel like I need some extra pulling volume and to stop neglecting my deadlift.
4. Heel Taps - BW x 3 x 15 per side
5. Goblet Squats - 50 x 4 x 10
6. Planks - 4 x 30 second holds