For the fist time in a long time, probably since I last competed, I didn't head up to train at elitefts this weekend. Saturday I had to work and my parents came in to town from Cleveland. Since they stayed the night, I got my crew (Josh, Adam, Justin, Hunter, Cooper and Jack) together and we squatted at my gym, The Strength Lab.
Since I'm exactly two weeks out from the 21 deadlift salute at the Arnold, I stayed conservative, even though I felt great today. One of my training partners, Josh, who also is a coach at The Strength Lab, is competing Friday in the XPC Finals in the 165 class. He hit his opener today and looked great. He's had a phenomenal training cycle and all of his openers will be right around his competition PR's (even with keeping them conservative). Our goal for him is to hit PR's and go 9-9.
I spend a little extra time hitting some flexibility/ mobility work so I didn't have to hit as many lighter sets as usual to warm up.
bar x 10
Light wraps on:
This was the best I've felt squatting in a long time. If I wasn't 2 weeks out from a DL only meet I would have seen how far I could have pushed it today. All 3 of my last reps felt the same, light and fast. My current PR is 640 in wraps, I'm pretty confident that I could easily pass that up now.
After squatting I hit 4 sets of hanging leg raises and that was it. I will deadlift my opener on Wednesday, so I want to stay fresh for that.