Warm up:

Leg press (no weight) 3 x 10

Shoulder warm up - band spider crawls 3 x 5 up/down

Raw warm up: bar 2 x 10, 110lbs x 5, 150lbs x 5, 200lbs x 3, 240lbs x 1

Gear: 330lbs x 1, 360lbs x 1, 375lbs x 1

Today I experienced something different. I put on some muscle - cool. Suit is tighter. After putting on my suit, my thighs were losing circulation - cool. Then Joe wrapped my knees. Lost sensation in my calves. I had no adrenaline to help me refocus. I thought my legs were for sure going to give out. Attempting my last set of 375 for a single, everything was numb and couldn't get into position. It was either reset or go through the process again. And I was a decision away from getting mind fucked. So I focused and reset. Rep was smooth. I had to get out of that thing and the bruises to prove it.

Plan was for doubles or triples. Hopefully do better next time. Crew was awesome today and thankful for their support.

Pit shark (2 plates each side) 4 x 10 (emphasize cues)

Banded Fatbell Swings 3 x 15

Leg extensions 3 x 10 (heavy)

sled drags 3 trips (3 plates)



