Squats @ OU: 450x3 & 490x1, Deadlifts @ RMU: 575x2 (VIDEO) / 2 Weeks Out from UPA Winter Rack Attack

2 Weeks from UPA Winter Rack Attack
It's been a hectic few months between various work events and seminars, but it has been AWESOME. I've just needed to be flexible with my training and adjust days/times accordingly, so it'll be interesting to see how it all plays out in a few weeks on the platform.
These are my last lower body lifts before the meet - I deadlifted Sunday morning after the RMU Strength & Conditioning Seminar I spoke at in Pittsburgh, and my top set was with 575lbs. I was going to shoot for 3-4 but I could feel my positioning wasn't great so shut it down at 2. Traveling always wears me down so I just adjusted accordingly. Wednesday I squatted, and hit a rep PR with 450lbs in sleeves, followed by my opener (490) in wraps. My squat is far behind everything else because of my hip injuries; but it's making steady progress and I'm happy with that! Week and a half to go now..
Deadlift Day at RMU (Sunday):
A. Warm-Up - Breathing Drills, RPR Points
B. Deadlifts - % sets
450x3 515x3 575x2 C. GHR - 4x5 D. Reverse Hypers - 2x18 E. Hanging Leg Raises - 3x12
Squat Day at OU (Wednesday):
A. Warm-Up - Breathing Drills, RPR Points B. Box Jumps - 3x3 C. Squats - % sets
A video posted by Joe Schillero (@joeschillero) on
add wraps
D. GHR - 3x8
E. Hanging Leg Raises - 3x15
Competitively - My last competition was the UPA Summer Showdown August 6th - And my next meet is the UPA Winter Rack Attack on December 17th (competing raw at 220lbs). This will be my second meet back transitioning to competing raw, and my goal entering next year is to qualify for a larger raw competition (whether it be at the Arnold or elsewhere).
I'm currently the Fitness Director at Ohio University as well as Event Coordinator for EliteFTS. I'm also involved in coaching and public speaking on topics relating to powerlifting, coaching, education, student development, and mental health.
For Coaching & Programming Questions, feel free to contact me at joeschillero@gmail.com
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