I have a good reason for the delay updating my training log. I own and operate my own gym, The Strength lab, and I had a great surprise on Sunday morning. I received a call around 10 am that a over head pipe had burst and the gym was flooded, awesome right?
10 hours later the majority of the water was off the floor. We had to move all the equipment, weights, rubber field turf, rubber flooring, and office area to start attempting to dry everything that wasn't ruined. The joys of owning your own business......
After working on the gym all day and running classes all day we cleaned up a 10x10 area around the monolift to squat. I was absolutely exhausted and beyond frustrated but I'm 6 weeks out for the 21 deadlift salute at the Arnold so I didn't want to miss a lower body workout.
Since I was exhausted and my bicep tendonitis was acting up from moving equipment the past couple days all my warmups were sets of 2 and went in to singles pretty quickly.
I worked up to 600 for 1 pretty crappy rep, but considering the circumstances I wasn't too upset by how heavy if felt. You can see in this video what a disaster the gym is.