Sat, 30 May 15

Trained way too early with zero training partners today.  I had to time my rest periods to make sure I was getting enough downtime between runs and between dragging all the equipment and weights out to set up and clean up.  I ended up doing most of what I had planned, but overall I was much slower than normal, most likely due to the time change and training by myself.  I rocked my #GAYNZ shirt on my moving events today to support my fellow LW pro strongman, Rob Kearney.

Farmer's Walk

2x60' x 110

60' x 220

60' x 270

60' x 310

60' x 350 - This is the heaviest farming I've done in quite some time.  The pick was awful and slow and my left hand didn't quite have the kung fu grip like my right hand did, but I was still happy that I did it with no drops.


2x60' x 450

60' x 650

2x60' x 750 - Second run was much better than the first, despite a stutter step with my left leg on the pick.

Stone Shouldering

2x6x200 - Alternated shoulders each rep


Video of my log from Thursday as promised as well as events from today.
