At this time my strongman schedule is not yet determined leading into the fall. I am slowly working back into grip training with several opportunities, goals and competitions on the horizon which may also include Highland Games late this fall. My training time has been extremely limited due to actual physical access to the equipment due to exploding gym hours and new members. While it's a great problem to have, I long for the days of having a home gym so I could train whenever I want to.
I have made a decision to rotate back to 5/3/1 while I focus on grip training and evaluate competitive goals this year. This will help me be efficient, focused, continue to improve my strength AND have time to focus on grip training like I need to in order to accomplish some goals I (still) have. I did bring some grip implements home today and hope that I will be able to pick up two, solid grip training days outside the gym per week. Strongman may or may not be on the horizon late this year so if it does pop up, I am ready to go.
10" Log
80, 3x5
110, 1x5
120, 1x5
135, 1x5
155, 1x5
Bench, Close Grip
135, 1x5
155, 1x5
175, 1x5
DB Strict Press
40, 3x6
Hammer Curls
25, 3x6
Closing The 2.5, Success!
My mind has really drifted back to certification on the 2.5 gripper again. I did a couple of warm up sets with the log and went for broke. Without gripper warm up, I grabbed the 2.5 off the wall, and closed it using a credit card set with authority.
My wrist just hasn't been the same since The Double Plate success. You can see that vid here: https://www.elitefts.com/training-logs/what-if-thanks-clint-double-plate-flip-vid/
I do need to get that issue under control but...
Closing the 2.5 was painful but MAN! It felt strangely good.
I want to OWN that certification.
My goal this week is to better identify how I plan to train grip and to spend a large amount of time analyzing my set and ensuring technique is spot on.