Sunday at Apollon was a suit squat session in my new Ace Pro Squatter.
I've only used this suit once before (when I picked it up at the compound last month) so I wanted to put it on again to get a sense of any alterations that need to be made for this next meet cycle. I was particularly excited to get to the gym on this day because our good friend and past training partner Mike "Paper" Stuchiner was in town for the weekend. Mike is a friend of many years and a 25 year veteran of the sport, so I always the chance to spend some quality under-the-bar time with him.
After catching up with Mike a bit and warming up on the back extension, we got down to it.
Bar (60) x a few
150 x 5
240 x 5
330 x 1
Put my Original Pro brief on
420 x 1
Put my Ace Squatter on, straps down
510 x 1
600 x 1
650 x 1
690 x 1
After backing off for a month, the 690 felt friggin heavy, but moved OK. I was a little high though, even with straps down, which means the suit needs a little bit of work to be meet-ready.
Apparently I'm too short for my weight, because the legs are really long, almost coming down to my knees. This is a problem because I will not be able to get wraps on without folding the legs up, which will make the suit bind up even more. Even left long, I think that the extra material is also preventing me from getting as deep as I need to. I also need to cut the seams off the sides of the straps to make them thinner and easier to feel the bar under.
After squats, I did 4 sets of reverse hypers, 4 sets of good girl/bad girls, and 4 sets of incline sit-ups.
Good day overall. Didn't do much in terms of weight, but I know more than I did before about I'm gonna take the next step towards the platform.