Breathing exercises
Left adductor squeezes
Wall abs
Side- lying right leg raises with left oblique bridge
Front squats duffalo bar
Against light bands
Bar x 5
235x5x4 sets
Low back pump, not as efficient as previous training sessions. Could have been the fact that I was on my feet at a meet all day Saturday. My low back was tight going into this training session.
Sumo deads
225x5x2 sets
405x5x2 sets
My right SI joint was killing me the rest of the day. No left adductor pain on squats or deads, even though it was sore from Thursday's squat session. Body is just adjusting I suppose.
Leg press
Against light bands
10 right leg, 20 left leg
3 sets
Monday rehab
Leg press 100 reps total
Breathing exercises
Left adductor squeezes
Wall abs
Side- lying right leg raises with left oblique bridge
New* wall sits with squeeze--love these
Squat technique work
KB swings against avg band
100# KB x 10x4sets
1 min on the bike between sets to keep heart rate up
Step ups- no go, low back super pumped