Sunday squats and deads
Breathing exercises
Left adductor squeezes
Side leg raises/left plank
Wall abs
Shoulder elevated hip bridge
Duffalo bar front squats
Against red minis
Bar x 10
235x10x3 sets
-no low back pump, but some fatigue
Right SI tight
KB step ups
Left firing more slowly. Feeling both in the hips though. Some IT band pain in left hip when pushing off left leg.
MOST squat and deadlift reps felt square- I saw a handful in total where I was leaning. I think I'm headed in the right direction but we'll see what Dani has to say. Also I was working on double over grip for my deads (not hook grip). Reason being the weight is light enough that I can get some extra grip training in while I'm working on technique.
Monday assistance
Breathing exercises
Left adductor squeezes
Side leg raises/left plank
Wall abs
Side- lying right leg raises with left oblique bridge
Lateral step up 3x10
-little low back pump
Leg press
4x20 each