Over the past year I've had some really good discussions with other lifters about the relationship between mental health conditions and training - And the consensus has been that while we have our suspicions about different aspects of the relationship between the two, there isn't a lot of research or information for strength athletes with mental health conditions (I found this out first-hand as I tried to research information as I worked through my own issues).
I want to continue diving deeper into the relationship between the two and looking at the differences (if any) between how those with mental health conditions train versus those that don't have a mental health condition.
To help me start figuring out the right directions to start working in, I was curious what some of the powerlifters in my readership and social media reach have dealt with. So I put together a short, ANONYMOUS survey regarding the topic that should provide some interesting information.
If you've been diagnosed with, or dealt with the symptoms of a mental health condition, please consider completing this short, anonymous survey I put together: https://ohio.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_5yVu4cRfJoIj4TH
Again, the answers are anonymous and information will be used to help me as I work to put together more articles and resources for lifters dealing with mental health conditions. Thank you!
take care