Jonathan BigMoose Mathes - 29 Years Old - Team Nebobarbell
I have said for years when this young man decides to get serious in the sport of powerlifting, he will make some waves and start raising some eyebrows. The waves have started and the eyebrows are rising.
Big Jon has been with me since he was like 17 years old and every year between college football, military, boxing and being a Father he has made strides in this sport. His athletic abilities and his natural knack at lifting heavy weights is unparalleled.
This training cycle by far has been his best. His dedication, attention to detail and following the guidance that is laid before him paid off huge. As he continues to learn how to lift in multiply and build confidence in what he is doing and handling these heavy ass weights, Jon will become a force to deal with in the years to come.
I am very proud of you Jon. I love you like a son and I have treasured these years together in watching you develope not just as a lifter but as a man. You know I am always here for you. We have more work to do youngin. Lets continue to show everyone who I know you can be in this sport!
Here is what he accomplished:
- 1st Place Men's Open World Champion - 275 Weight Class - Full Power Multiply
6 for 9 on attempts
PR Squat
PR Deadlift
PR Total
And Team Nebobarbell won Best Overall IPA World Championship Team!