Thurs, 24 Nov 16
My friend, HW pro strongman, World's Strongest Man competitor, CF gym owner, husband, brother, son, and all around BAMF, Mike Jenkins, passed away on Thanksgiving morning 3 years ago. He had made 2 workouts for his morning crew to do prior to the holiday festivities that day. I did one of them, the Gobble, at Iron Strong CF this morning with my girlfriend to honor his memory and start my day off right before engaging in a gluttony free-for-all later in the afternoon.
The Gobble is 3 rounds of:
G oblet squat x 28
O verhead press x 28
B ox stepups x 28
B all slams x 28
L unges x 28
E very minute on the minute do 2 burpees
Then later I had entirely too much food and watched the Redskins almost take down the cowgirls. As a life long skins fan, I can honestly say I hate them and football most of the time. I would have rage quit watching if it weren't for the fact that we had recorded the game and could fast forward through all the commercials, replays, and commentary and the score was so close. Still, this was a great day with great people, I just wish I had remembered to get a post-feast weigh in on myself.