this is going to be short and sweet. Julia Joined my arm workout today and it was difficult for the both of us. For those of you who do not know, Julia is amazing at hypertrophy volume stuff and I am a baby. With that being said, I work a million times harder when she is around cause I don't want her to out lift me, yes you read that correctly, Julia uses very similar weights to me on a lot of isolation movement exercises, that's how poorly I know how to isolate. It was a blast to knock these out first thing in the morning with her and the whole session was timely focused and fun! P.S. Julia totally out angled me on the header image!

EZ bar curl - 3 sets of 15 light to warm up -
5x10: 10 second break between reps

Hammer curls -
5x10: 10 second break between reps

EZ Bar Preacher curls -

A1) Rope pushdowns - 2 sets of 12 to warm up - 3x15:
A2) Dips between benches 3x10:
A3) dumbbell pronated kickbacks 3x6:

B1) DB skull crushers- 2x20
B2) dumbbell extensions using one dumbbell - 2x8: 18