If you are a powerlifter with internet access, you've most likely heard about the Ed Coan/IPF story that's been making it's way around the internet for the past few days.
For those few who haven't heard, or for those who've only heard snippets here and there, here's the gist.
Ed can is putting on a seminar in Sweden, where my understanding is that the IPF is the main (if not only) federation in the country.
Based on a lifetime ban placed on Ed by the IPF (dating back around 20 years or so, the IPF has put up a post informing it's members that they are prohibited from attending, as IPF members are prohibited from associating with a banned lifter/coach.
This action has obviously sparked debate within the powerlifting world, with the burning question being:
"I wonder what Kirschen thinks"
So here goes...
The story itself is not really what interest me.
The IPF's actions seem to be consistent with their rule on the books regarding the matter, and if you disagree, you do not have to compete in their meets or pay their membership dues. It was kind of sh*tty of them to name Ed specifically, rather than simply post the rule as written as an FYI, but other than that, I don't have particularly strong feelings on the matter.
What HAS struck me, has been the outpouring of support for Ed, rippling through the powerlifting community. In a sport that's normally fractured beyond recognition, it seems that we (at least the majority of us) have finally found a common cause to get behind. For the past few days, lifters from all corners of the sport have been sharing the story, posting pictures with Ed and recalling positive stories about how he's influenced their lives/lifting careers.
For a guy that's been jaded by 15ish years of online negativity, this has been pretty cool to see. Even the voices that have been the most critical of the IPF don't seem to be trashing the lifters, only the organization itself. I'm sure we'll all go back to hating each other next week, but it's been nice while it's lasted.
And just so I don't feel left out, here's my one and only pic with Ed from a few years ago. As if there wasn't enough awesome in this pic already, Steve Goggins and Harry Selkow were there as well (as well as Jessica Gray laying the rear naked choke on Ed). This was taken at a bar in Columbus after LTTS7. As you can see, we had been playing pool, and what I remember most from the night was watching Steve and Ed play, and wondering how two guys who both are so exceptional at one sport, could be so bad at another.
Oh my god, so bad.